
belonging to class mammalia, mammals are among the more complicated vertebrates their hair insulates against hair loss they are warm blooded. they need a efficient respritory system to provide oxygen for higher metalbolism. have a 4 chambered heart. Mammal mothers develop young in the uterus. mammals that lay eggs are called momotremer like ducks hat incubates eggs in a burrow in the ground. Mammals also have pouches, marsupial young are born premature and develops in the pouch and attaches to the nipple.


birds belong to class Aves their feathers are unique and are modified from reptilia scales. they’re anatomy is adapted to flight heir front legs form wings  for thrust and lift and back legs are for killing, perching, swimming and tearing prey apart. birds have large breastbones to support their wings. a bird has a 4 chambered heart and has a very efficient circulatory system, they conserve the water in them by excreting semi dry uric acid (poop). excellently developed brains for flight control and migration patterns and nesting. warm blood from metabolic heat and feathers insulate their bodies.

Amphibians and Reptiles

amphibians are vertebrates that are aquatic as larvae and terrestrial as adults, they breathe with lungs an have distinct walking legs for land locomotion. respiration usually by inefficient lungs and gas exchange. they have a divided atria but a single ventricle in the heart mixing partial oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. fertilization occurs externally in the water.

Reptiles belonging to class reptiles are vertebrate’s that have lungs, scaly skin, and a special type of egg. this class includes turtles, alligators, snakes and lizards. reptiles are covered in hard scales that protect the animal from drying out and predators they have well developed lungs and a heart with 2 atria. Fertilization occurs internally with separate sexes with then makes a leathery shelled egg. they are cold blooded creature that rely on the sun to regulate their body temperature.

subphylum vertebrata

vertebrates have jointed endoskeleton that is internal, shows segmentation, actively grows, protects internal organs and serves as place of muscle attachment. vertebrates have 2 pairs of appendages  and a high degree of cephalization and complex sense organs, a complete digestive tract and large coelom, closed circulatory system and an excretory system with kidneys, reproduction is sexual and by separate genders.

aquatic vertebrates characterized by scales, fins and pharyngeal gills.  3 living classes are jawless(class Agnatha), cartilaginous and bony fish. jawless lack jaws  and have no fins or scales. some jawless fish are hag fish and lamprey. cartilaginous fishes have a internal skeleton made of cartilage such as sharks. boney fish have swim bladders , reproduce by spawning like ray finned fishes.

vertebrates: phylum chorodata

The six major classes of vertebrates are Amphibia, Aves, sauropida, Mammalia, chronadrichthyts, and osteichthyes. Some characteristics of all vertebrates are that they all are coelomate and bilateral which allows for complicated body systems. vertebrates also have backbones with a protected endoskeleton and spiral Colum along with a advanced central nerve system with a large brain with a skull. Moreover, they have a unequivocal head, eyes and sensory organs, as well as a complex heat and circulatory system. a muscular system and 1 0r 2 pairs of appendages such as arms and legs.

class amphibia
have gills and very primitive lungs to exchange gases as they live half their life in water and half on land. they can take in gases through their skin and lay eggs in the water after sexual reproduction.

class aves
they have adapted to flight through feathers, 4 chambered heart, hallow bones for strength without weight, large sternum for wings and lungs and air sacks to improve gas exchange.

characteristic of mamals
they are warm blooded, air breathing 4 legged vertebrates that posses skin with hair and sweat glands, have big teeth with jawbones, fleshy lips a diaphragm. they also contain a 4 chambered heart, have a brain and middle ear, bear living young and have mammary glands.

Phylum Chordates

Chorates have 3 basic characteristics, number one being a dorsal notochord just under the nerve cord. number two being a dorsal hallow nerve cord that like above the notochord. Lastly being pharyngeal pouches that become gills in fishes and amphibian larvae.
Invertebrate chordates are ocean floor dwellers with a thick walled squat sack with incurrent and excurrent siphons. also, they have numerous gill slits for filter feeding. as for larvae they have three chordate traits, ancestors may have matures in larval form to become primitive fish.

Phylum Arthropoda


Arthropods have jointed appendages, there exoskeletons is made up of chitin and it protects,anchors, muscles and prevents drying out. since there exoskelton is hard and dosnt expange the need to molt for animal to grow. insects, arachinids, centepides and millipedes are all adapted to terrestrail life. they have a well developed nervous sytem and a brain with a solid ventral nerve cord.
CRUSTACEA- have a calcified exoskeleton this includes lobsters, crabs  and barnacles. they have compound eyes, 2 pairs of antennae and 3 mouthparts. stomach grinds food and filters it before absorbing it. coelom is reduced to cavity around reproductive system. sexes are separate

INSECTS-THREE BODY REGIONS, HEAD THORAX AND ABDOMEN.head has sensory antennae, eyes, and mouthparts. thorax has three pairs of legs, adults may have a pair of wings or 2. lastly abdomen contains internal organs and exoskeleton is lighter with less chitin than others.

Plylum Mollusca

Mollusks, are soft bodied animals, there are about 110,000 species including clams, squids, snails. octopuses, and oysters. three main parts of mollusks are the VISCERAL MASS (Soft portion that contains internal organs) the FOOT (muscle used for locomotion) and the MANTLE (muscular covering). many show cephalization, have eyes and sense organs.
GASTROPODS- snails, conches and neudibroche. have ventrally flattened foot and move by contracting. have a coiled shell containing visceral mass.
CEPHALOPODS- Octopuses and squids have feet that evolved to tentacles as well as powerful beaks and radula (toothy tongue), and a brain fused from ganglia.
BIVALVES- clams, scallops and oysters. bivalve is referring to 2 shells made of CO2. their gills function in gas exchange as well as their blood flows through an open circulatory system. clams lack cephalization, nervous system made of 3 pairs of ganglia, they are also filter feeders where water enters the incurrent siphon and is passed out the anus through the excurrent siphon.
sexes are separate.


roundworms that belong to phylum nematode have a digestive system and contain 2 openings a mouth and anus. they are carnivores that feed on tiny animals, some eat algae, fungi, or rotting organic matter. roundworms breathe and excrete metabolic wastes through their body walls. they have simple nervous systems that is made up of ganglia in the head region although they do not have a real brain. roundworms reproduce sexually, and few are hermaphroditic, fertilization occurs inside the female. Fliarial worms are thread like worms found in blood and lymph vessels of birds and mammals.

Unsegmented worms

There are many types of segmented worms but the simplest two are Flatworms from phylum Platyhelminthes and class turbella and Round worms from phylum nematode. Flatworm’s include planarians, flukes, and tapeworms. they are the simplest animals to have bilateral symmetry and have enough cephalization in their anterior end to be considered a head. moreover some flat worms are aquatic free-living creatures that are either carnivores or scavengers, they have a gastro vascular cavity with one opening at the end of their pharynx. Tapeworms are flatworms that live in intestines of their host and use there hooks or suckers absorbs all the digested food. flatworms rely on diffusion because they have no real circulatory or respiratory system, they use fame cells to get rid of extra water. Reproduction for flatworms is through asexual (fission) and sexual as well as regeneration although most free-living flatworms are hermaphrodites.